Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lots has happened since the last post. Mike's aunt and my mom came into town because I had surgery this week. It was a cardiac ablation surgery to correct a funky rhythm in my heart. It was scary, but everything went well after they found a nurse who could start an IV properly (yikes!) needless to say it was a hectic week! Leo did a few new things such as grabbing his keys (and staring intently at them) and he has finally taken more of an interest in books. He even helped mom turn the pages as she read about colors to him! He is still as sweet as ever....smiling more and more. It is hard to believe I have to go back to work in 3 weeks. I am going to miss spending so much time with him, but his daddy will be at home to entertain him and keep him company. Next week we are going to visit my classroom to see the kids and hang out with teachers. We will post more then!

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